A curated collection of Purpose, Human Equity and Cultural Leadership Courses.

Micro-Courses in Ancestral and Inclusive Leadership, Emotional Intelligence,  Brain-Based Communication Toolkits and more rooted in Cultural  Storytelling, Ancestral Wisdom Principles and Practice:


Equity Institute Courses & Toolkits 

Advancing Responsible & Ethical AI Toolkit

Modern AI reflects human biases—we can build it differently. Here are some insights to spark your critical thinking skills. Our Founder and CEO Karlyn Percil, shares her insights at Catalyst Honours - focsed on making workplaces work for all women. Panelists Karlyn Percil, Chief Equity Officer, KDPM Equity Institute, and Anna Jahn, Yara Elias, AY Risk Leader,  Director of Public Policy and Learning, Mila (Quebec AI Institute), discussed the human biases embedded in AI and how we can build the technology differently. “I wanted to address the elephant in the AI room: current AI is built on the white racial frame. We have to talk about the dominant culture and going beyond DEI to look at human equity,” said Percil. Jahn added: “This is not a technology that fell from the sky… We built it. We have the agency to build it differently.” “With AI comes tremendous power and potential but also… associated risks,” said Yara Elias, AI Risk Leader, EY.  What to expect in the guide: THE IMPACT OF MISSING DATA ON INDIGENOUS COMMUNITIES - EXPLORING DATA SOVEREIGNTY Kimberly Murray is a member of the Kahnesatake Mohawk Nation. She is currently the Executive Lead for the newly created Survivors’ Secretariat at the Six Nations of the Grand River, working to recover the missing children and unmarked burials at the Mohawk Institute. Watch the YouTube Video of her impactful talk on the continued barriers Indigenous communities are facing surrounding the Residential Schools System, and the importance of data sovereignty for Truth & Reconciliation.  WATCH: The Impact of Missing Data on Indigenous Communities Download this free toolkit to help you explore the Human Equity consideration featuring Black, Indigenous, African, Caribbean, and women of colour current conversations on advancing responsible and ethical AI.

PWYC - All proceeds above our recommended price fund our Black Women Best Program

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