Fund the Institute

Our Cultural Communion | Vol. 6 | Cultivating a Love-Ethic Practice

ancestral knowledge & wisdom cultural communion cultural equity Nov 25, 2023

This week, we invite you to reflect on how compassion and grace shows up in your self-talk and how you treat yourself during the tough moments. Did you know that you are also worthy of your own kindness?


Notes from my inner wise self

on embracing bell hooks love-ethic practice 


Much of what I have learned and I am learning  from Ancestral Wisdom Systems and ancestral leaders, like the work of Black feminist leaders like Bell Hooks, my intention is to put those ancestral leadership principles into practice using inner transformation tools from The Success System. In sharing those lessons and insights from my self-leadership journey, I hope it inspires you to share with someone in your trusted circle.  

In her book Communion, a female search for love, bell hooks, describes care, commitment, responsibility, trust, respect and knowledge as foundational values of embodying a love-ethic. I believe that  by putting these love-ethic principles into practice and by practice, I mean the creative and intentional exploration of our lives,  we create and curate habits, boundaries, values, belief and purpose statements that reflect care, commitment, responsibility, trust, respect and knowledge as part of our self and communal culture. 

By integrating love-ethic principles into our lives, we not only transform ourselves but also contribute to the creation of a culture that fosters genuine connection, cultural inclusion of our ancestral knowledge systems, and a legacy of which we can be truly proud.


Here's what I am noticing in my own practice: 


I've noticed in my practice of bell hooks love-ethic principles, I find myself slowing down {a struggle I admit at times}, being kinder and more graceful with myself. I've learned how to feast on my life - not just the good, the bad and in between moments of my life.

I'm practicing how to move slower, think slower, eat slower. As I remove, decentre and dismantle the many barriers misogynoir, life, and  it’s many ailments placed within and around me, I’ve used the criticism, unwarranted attacks, I’ve used what life sent to bury me to  awaken my inner warrior, my inner martial artist, my inner fire in support of my purpose. This awakened fire had unleashed a deep hunger for living my truth. It has awakened my creativity, my curiosity leading to  a deeper yearning for living, breathing and existing.

I’ve learned  how to love myself with grace, with no apology and to notice those ready to receive my full love. Choosing love sometimes looks like keeping access doors firmly closed even when heartfelt apologies are given.

Remember -  You are free to exit rooms, conversations, people and tables that choose to see you through their ego lens. Truth is, many people are committed to misunderstanding and mis-representing you in their minds.


You are always worthy of your own boundaries. Dream big and be bold enough to create the life you desire. I believe in you and your dreams.


What have you been noticing?


Have you been noticing how grace and compassion shows up in your daily habits? What would a commitment to a love-ethic practice in your life look like?  


If you are looking to take your love-ethic practice further, then explore our integration tools like our Sisterhood Self Love Colouring Book Bundles and our Sisterhood Notebooks Bundles


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