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WAVE Technique for Leaders Facing Discomfort with Race or Human Emotions

emotional intelligence (ei) leadership tools neuro tips & tools psychological safety Nov 01, 2024
We've been helping leaders and workplaces increase micro-moments of belonging through our KDPM Self-Teams-Systems Innovation Transformation Model.

We often have questions from leaders around facing their own discomfort when facing issues with race and human emotions. As a leader, you have greater responsibility to "lead the room" and set the tone for the conversation. But you need to manage yourself first. 

W.A.V.E. Explained

In this #Cityline episode, I discuss how culture influences emotional responses and share strategies for women and leaders to process emotions using the acronym W.A.V.E. (Witness, Allow, Validate, and Express).

  • Witness your emotions without judgment.
  • Allow them as part of the human experience.
  • Validate the information they bring.
  • Express them in ways that foster connection and understanding.

By adopting this practice, you will lead with integrity and create psychologically safe environments for your team and organization to thrive.

Here, I share more, from a self-leadership perspective, about how culture influences emotions and how leaders can increase their effectiveness in creating psychological safety for others by better understanding how their level of safety correlates with their psychological preparedness.

Watch the episode here(6:09)


In this episode, I share:

  • How culture impacts the creation of emotions
  • How to process emotions using the acronym W.A.V.E.
  • How feeling what you're feeling fully can increase self-confidence and self-awareness (pre-requisites for building emotional trust)



What did you learn about emotions from culture?

"Feel fully what you're feeling."

For many leaders, the inherited cultural narrative that it's not safe to feel your emotions at work has left many leaders in a low emotional intelligence competency category, leading to psychologically unsafe workplaces.

The first step toward creating a culture where everyone feels seen, heard, valued, and respected begins with leadership embracing its own humanity. This means acknowledging the full range of emotions—fear, shame, guilt—and managing them with compassion. 

When we deny ourselves our humanity, or in this case, our human emotions as leaders, we tend to resent or be impatient with ourselves, which shows up in our leadership practices and culture.

In my practice as an Emotional Intelligence Coach and Learning strategist, I've learned that we cannot selectively numb our emotions. To deny fear or anxiety is to deny courage and compassion.

The first step toward creating a culture where everyone feels seen, heard, valued, and respected begins with leadership embracing its own humanity.

By embracing your own human emotions, you unlock your capacity to tap into your courage and show up fully in your role as a leader. When we deny fear, we deny ourselves access to compassion and courage. Facing these emotions allows for greater empathy and resilience, essential qualities for creating inclusive spaces.



Watch my full episode with Tracy here:

Four Tips To Tap Into Your Emotions: Be An Emotions Detective

Let me know which letter resonates the most. 

Other resources by my favourite Neuroscientist Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett

You Aren't At The Mercy of Your Emotions - Your Brain Creates Them




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